
Xun Ge
University of Oklahoma, US

Xun Ge is Professor of Instructional Psychology and Technology in the Department of Educational Psychology, Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education at the University of Oklahoma (OU) and the former department chair. She is the incoming President (2020-2021) of the Association for Educational Technology and Communications (AECT). Previously, she served as Chair of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Problem-based Education Special Interest Group (2016-2018). Dr. Ge's primary research involves supporting students’ complex and ill-structured problem solving and self-regulated learning through designing instructional scaffolds, cognitive tools, learning technologies, and open learning environments (e.g., virtual learning community, game-based learning, and problem-based learning). Currently, Dr. Ge is working with her collaborators from OU and Norman Public Schools on a project investigating the impact of guided inquiry design for makerspace learning, funded by Institute of Museum and Library Services. She has published two co-edited books, 50 articles in refereed journals, 20 book chapters, and numerous conference proceedings. Dr. Ge’s scholarly works have been widely cited, as shown by Google Scholar and ResearchGate. Dr. Ge is the recipient of several prestigious national/international awards from AECT, the 2019 Outstanding Journal Article, 2012 Outstanding Journal Article, the 2004 Outstanding Journal Article, and the 2003 Young Scholar Award; from AERA, 2016 Outstanding International Research Collaboration Award; and from the Chinese American Educational Research and Development Association's (CAERDA), 2017 Distinguished Paper Award. She has recently been invited as a keynote speaker to make a presentation and join a panel discussion at the 24th International Conference on Computers and Education, Arequipa, Peru. She was a faculty fellow to the University of Hong Kong and a visiting scholar to National Taiwan University of Science and Technological, National Taichung University of Education, National Changhua University of Education, and Fujian Normal University. Dr. Ge is also serving as the co-editor of the Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning, and a board member for a number of top-tier journals, including Contemporary Educational Psychology, Educational Technology Research & Development, Instructional Science, Technology, Knowledge, and Learning, and the Internet and Higher Education.

Keynote Topic:
Engagement in game-based Learning: Issues of designing and assessment to scaffold ill-structured problem solving

Katsuaki Suzuki, Ph.D
Director, Research Center for Instructional Systems,
Chair and Professor, Graduate School of Instructional Systems,
Kumamoto University, JAPAN

Title: Design Principles of Higher Education Proposed toward Super-Smart Society

This presentation reflects upon instructional design (ID) research in Educational Technology in Japanese context, and to suggest what roles ID research should play as foundation for educational innovation toward Society 5.0 (Super-Smart Society). It was observed that a desrepancy existed between primary-secondary education and corporate training for sometimes, then ID concepts were introduced in higher eduation with faculty development requirements. The roles that ID research should take include, co-creating innovative practice as a "designer," contributing to expantion of ID research findings through Design-based Research, re-interpreting and elaborating ID using findings of brain research, taking part in creating universities in next generation, realizing education without teaching, and participating in ID specialist training at the highest level. As a result from a project to prepare faculty to be able to design their teaching at higher education, 7 design principles will be proposed in each of the following three areas: Setting learning objectives at higher level beyond memorization, Ajusting requirement to awarding credits in congruence of the learning objectives, and Adopting instructional strategies to facilitate cognitive development of the students.

Lung-Hsiang Wong
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Lung-Hsiang Wong is currently a Senior Research Scientist and the Co-Program Director of the “Learning Sciences & Innovation” Research Program, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He is the President of Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education, and served as the Conference Chair of ICCE 2018 and International Program Chair of ICCE 2013. He is also an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. He has been working in the field of educational technology for more than 25 years, with the present research foci on mobile and seamless learning, computer-supported collaborative learning, and computer-assisted language learning. Throughout the last decade, he developed one of the most well-referenced seamless learning models known as 10D-MSL (“10 Dimensions of Mobile-assisted Seamless Learning”), published three books on seamless learning (as author or editor), and spearheaded several projects to research on and develop technology-enhanced seamless science and language curricula which had later been diffused to more than 20 Singapore schools. He has published more than 200 academic papers including close to 40 SSCI/SCI-indexed journal papers, bagged nine Best or Outstanding Paper Awards at various conferences, and won APSCE Distinguished Researcher Award in 2015.

Title: Mobile Seamless Learning (MSL): What is the Conceptual and Practical Niche?

Seamless learning is “when a person experiences a continuity of learning, and consciously bridges the multifaceted learning efforts, across a combination of locations, times, technologies or social settings.” (Wong, 2015, p.10; adapted from: Sharples et al., 2012) Although seamless learning can be carried out without the use of mobile and wireless technologies, such infrastructure can enable or enhance the connectivity between learning activities (such as between formal and informal learning contexts, between individual and social learning contexts, and between physical and digital realities). Over the past 12 years, there have been a flurry of research studies that applies the emerging learning notion on K-16 and adult learning and to various disciplines (encompassing language, science, humanities, engineering and business, among others), which are underpinned by different conceptual and theoretical perspectives (techno-centric, techno-pedagogical, and socio-cultural perspectives). In this talk, I will first elaborate the decade-long seamless learning research and practices took place in Singapore as an illustration of the salient characteristics, the practicality and the challenges of implementing seamless learning. Next, I will perform an inquiry on the uniqueness of seamless learning by comparing the key features of seamless learning with the definitions and framing of other relevant learning notions or approaches, namely, blended learning, self-directed learning, self-regulated learning, lifelong learning, third space learning, free-choice learning and long-tail learning. I will also analyze how seamless learning has been hybridized with extant learning approaches in prior studies (seamless flipped learning, seamless knowledge building and seamless task-based learning) as a manifest of the versatility of the learning notion in adapting otherwise predominantly single-context learning designs for greater holisticality and flexibility.

Yueh-Min Huang
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan

Ray Yueh-Min Huang is a Chair Professor in Department of Engineering Science, National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan. His research interests include e-Learning, multimedia communications, and artificial intelligence. He received his MS and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Arizona in 1988 and 1991 respectively. He has co-authored 3 books and has published more than 250 refereed journal research papers.

Dr. Huang has received many research awards, such as Taiwan’s National Outstanding Research Award in 2011 and 2014, given to Taiwan’s top 100 scholars. According to a paper published in BJET, he is ranked no. 3 in the world on terms of the number of educational technology papers published in the period 2012 to 2017. He has completed over 60 Ph.D. and 250 MS thesis students. He received many funded research grants from National Science Council, Ministry of Education, Industrial Technology of Research Institute, and Institute of Information Industry. Dr. Huang has been invited to give talks or served frequently in the program committee at national and international conferences.

Dr. Huang is in the editorial board of several international journals in the area of educational technology, computer communications, and web intelligence, including 3 SSCI-indexed e-Learning ones. In e-Learning area, except of publishing more than 100 SSCI-indexed journal papers and editing 3 special issues in SSCI-indexed journals, he was also serving as the directors of Disciplines of Applied Science Education and Innovative Engineering Education in Taiwan’s Ministry of Science and Technology. Dr. is also the funding chair of International Symposium of Emerging Technologies for Education (SETE) and International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning (ICITL). Dr. Huang is a senior member of the IEEE and became Fellow of British Computer Society in 2011.

Title: The Computational Thinking in STEM Education

Computational thinking (CT) is considered to as one of the most important skills in 21st Century. Nowadays, many countries have stressed the CT competence as an essential skill for digital natives, not just for computer scientists. Therefore, how to cultivate students the competence of CT becomes an emerging issue confronting current education. While facing increasingly complex world, it is more important than ever for young generation be prepared to bring broad knowledge and skills to solve complicated problems. Those skills students develop include science, technology, engineering and math, disciplines collectively known as STEM. From a report of U.S. department of Education, it stresses that “no matter where children live, they have access to quality learning environment. A child’s zip code should not determine their STEM fluency”. As the CT becomes an essential ability, we believe it can be employed across various fields and disciplines, serving as a basis to STEM education. For short, CT can serve as instructional scaffolding for problem solving in STEM Education and it should be fused into STEM projects being conducted.