
August 15, 2024
Osaka, Japan
Organized by
International Joint Lab (Knowledge Media Dynamics in Educational Fields) of Osaka University & Northeast Normal University

Co-sponsored by
CAET(China Association For Educational Technology)
JESO(Japan Educational Support Organization) IMERI(Information, Media and Engineering Research Institute)
Faculty of Education, Fujian Normal University

Past Conference Information

In the digital age, digital media technologies have been embedded in all aspects of life. The development of digital media technologies not only influence people’s online information behavior but also change people’s daily offline behavior, which has been shaping our life. With the development of the technologies, the border of the research on the application of digital media technologies has changed, showing diversification and interdisciplinary characteristics.

Against this background, in response to emerging research diversity, International Joint Conference on Information, Media and Engineering (IJCIME) provide a platform for researchers in information, media and engineering areas to publish new research findings and exchange experiences on related topics.

IJCIME aims to strengthen communication on communication technologies, social media and technology, computer-mediated communication, big data, virtual reality, augmented reality, and digital media engineering, etc. The conference will present and share the results of current research efforts in this field and future problems arising from the application of related technologies.

"International Joint Conference on Information, Media and Engineering (IJCIME2024)" will focus on the theme of "Digital Transformation and Future Education". Focusing on the transformation and reconstruction of traditional teaching paradigms promoted by intelligent education, the high quality development of education assisted by artificial intelligence, the education quality evaluation supported by big data, and the application mode of educational robot teaching, combined with Smart educational thought, this paper discusses hot topics and innovative practices such as the deep integration of culture, education and technology, and the inheritance and innovation of education in the context of intelligent education, so as to jointly depict a new vision of future education in the era of digital transformation.

As a part of the academic exchange of the conference, IJCIME will be held several times every year irregularly. It has been successfully held in Osaka University in 2018 and 2019. From 2020 to 2023, because of the COVID-19, it will be changed to online. As the first seminar in 2024, IJCIME Symposium will be held in Osaka University on February 2 in a synchronized way online and offline, inviting researchers and teachers from Japan, China, the United States and other countries to participate, Mainly focusing on digital education construction, international education comparison, and information technology education application, information exchange and academic discussions are carried out.